Emotional Mastery 101 – Using Breathwork to Handle Your Emotions

Learn how to utilize your breathing to handle your emotions. The breath is an effective and free tool you can use anytime to manage your emotions. This is especially useful if you are dealing with large emotions or in circumstances that are difficult for you. You can also bring yourself more peace and regulate the left and ride side of the brain using the yogic practice of pranayama.

Emotional Mastery 101 – How to Feel your Feelings

This is the first video and the very foundation for building emotional mastery in your life. While we experience feelings every day we may be ignoring, distracting, suppressing or just plain not honoring important feelings that are giving us messages about our life. Find out a couple of exercises used to re-connect you with your feelings so that you can experience the vibrancy of life again.

Emotional Mastery 101 Intro

Welcome to Emotional Mastery 101! You guide to the foundational concepts you need to live a happy, healthy, vibrant emotional life. Emotions guide our decisions, inform of us our beliefs and are an inescapable part of our big transitions in life. It is important for you to learn how to live an emotionally masterful life, especially when you are going through a big transition that is causing a big transformation in you and your life.